Helping communities grow a sustainable gardening culture
What we do
GardenCorps trains Leaders to serve their communities through establishing a stronger home and community gardening culture to promote food security and a healthier more peaceful future.
How we do it
The GardenCorps Program is a 4-Month internship for individuals and small teams dedicated to establishing and supporting a sustainable gardening culture in their community.
We integrate classroom learning, biointensive gardening and design methodologies and community organizing to create a dynamic educational experience. The GardenCorps program incorporates real world community-based projects to educate and inspire students.
Our goal is to train leaders and help catalyze sustainable gardening culture in communities around the world.
The GardenCorps Program includes:
Sustainable Biointensive Gardening Techniques and Garden Management
Sustainable Diet Design and Process
Garden Planning
Agricultural Leadership and Community Organizing
Resource Sharing and Outreach
Operating Programs and Seed Banks
Taking the Course
This 3-part course includes: 45 hours of hands-on training in biointensive food production; 27 hours of sustainable diet design and garden planning; and 27 hours of agricultural leadership and community organizing.
The GardenCorp Program is available as a 4-month weekend course and occasionally as a live-on-site internship. The on-site internship includes 35-40 hours per week of hands-on integration of garden work and mentorship at the Victory Gardens for Peace Mini-Farm.
More details on the course and curriculum can be found in our GardenCorps Curriculum Packet!